Apecoinдин кийинки чоң ишке кириши NFTтерди кайра жандандырабы?

Earlier in September of this year, it was rumored that NFT giant Yuga Labs was possibly working on a new NFT Collection called “Mecha Apes” with a possible introduction at the fag end of the year.

Mecha Apes Launch Announced

This seems to be true, with Alexei Koseff, Yuga Lab’s Community Manager, sharing in a tweet that, the NFT behemoth will be releasing the much anticipated “Mecha Apes” by this year’s December.

Along with that, Alexei also revealed that a new blockchain-based gaming platform will be launched in parallel with Mecha Apes and will be powered by their native token Apecoin (APE).

As per Alexei’s recent tweet, Yuga Labs have opened their whitelist for users to register and secure their positions for the upcoming NFT drop.

Steep Decline In NFT Sales

NFTs have shown a sharp decline in trading volumes in recent times. It decreased by 97% from a record high in January of this year to a mere $466 million in September. The largest NFT trading platform by volume, OpenSea, suffered a 75% decline in sales from just two months earlier.

While the nascent NFT market benefited from cryptocurrency price gains and high-risk appetite among investors in 2021, these conditions have turned sharply in 2022, as the central bank’s increase in rates and the recent FTX saga have prompted investors to ditch risky assets like digital assets.

Can This Trigger An NFT Pump?

Бирок,  Yuga Labs being an NFT powerhouse, with noteworthy projects like Зериккен Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), Bored Ape Kennel Club (BAKC) and the metaverse project called “The Otherside” — all eyes are now on the NFT giant to bring back the NFT space to its former glory with the launch of its upcoming products.

The firm also recently acquired the IP rights of  “CryptoPunks” which was once seen as its largest competitor to BAYC.

Read More: Yuga Labs WENEW жана анын флагманы NFT 10KTF сериясын сатып алды

Пратик 2016-жылдан бери крипто евангелист болуп келген жана крипто сунуштаган дээрлик бардыгын башынан өткөргөн. Бул ICO буму болсун, 2018-жылдын аюу базарлары, Bitcoin азыркыга чейин эки эсеге кыскарды - ал мунун баарын көрдү.

Сунушталган мазмун автордун жеке пикирин камтышы мүмкүн жана базар шартына ылайык. Криптовалютага инвестиция салуудан мурун, базарыңызды изилдеңиз. Сиздин жеке материалдык чыгымыңыз үчүн автор же басылма эч кандай жоопкерчилик тартпайт.

Source: https://coingape.com/will-apecoins-next-big-launch-bring-nfts-back-to-life/