XRPL инновациялык DLT Game Hub тең салмактуулугу тарабынан тандалып алынган, эмне үчүн

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Юрий Молчан

This game-developing company makes games on XRP Ledger, explains why this blockchain suits it best


The Twitter account of Equilibrium Gaming Hub has posted a tweet, sharing why they chose XRP Ledger to make their blockchain оюндары бир жыл мурун.

Choosing XRPL for Equilibrium Gaming Hub

The tweet proudly states that XRPL and especially the XRP community were chosen because they have always been about utility and making things that have actual use cases, improving the status quo way of doing things.

The company stated that its game hub, Equilibrium (EQ), aims to push centralized games from the market and connect them to the world of finance.


First XRPL-based game with staking mechanics

As Бүгүн У., in August, the onXRP system announced the integration of its play-to-earn game called Maladroids into XRP Ledger.

This game is supposed to also include staking mechanics, allowing them to stake both XRP and the platform’s native token, OXP. Players need to stake their tokens before they start playing. The winner will lay their hands on this prize.

As per the team, this game, Maladroids, resembles the popular Fall Guys arcade game. It is already fully functional but has not been launched yet.

Source: https://u.today/xrpl-picked-by-innovative-dlt-game-hub-equilibrium-heres-why