Бул аптада эң начар метаверс токендери: ApeCoin, Sandbox Plummets

Worst Metaverse Tokens This Week:

In the Metaverse ecosystem, all the coins have responded negatively today. Major coins in this ecosystem like ApeCoin, The Sandbox, and Decentraland have slipped down by a decent percentage. The crypto market was not seeing any major gain or loss as of the last 24 hours.

Sushi Swap is the biggest loser with a dip of 13.35% in the last 24 hours. WEMIX stands second in the list with a fall of 10.75%. WeWay stands as the biggest gainer with a double-digit boost of 18.28%.

The total market cap for the Metaverse ecosystem stands at 100.17 billion USD which is a plunge of 0.05% from the previous day. Trading volume has fallen downwards by 23.59%.

Worst 3 Tokens in the Metaverse Chain:

ApeCoin (APE)

ApeCoin dropped by 2.88% and each token stands at 3.95 USD. The market cap for ApeCoin stands at 142.06 billion USD. The trading volume has taken a dip too by 11.91%. The coin has been down by 4.50% in the last 7 days. Metaverse Tokens This Week: APE

Булак: coinmarketcap

Sandbox (SAND)

With a slash of 3.82%, every token of The Sandbox is selling for 0.5813 USD. The market cap is presently 871.31 billion USD. Trading volume has been cut down by 15.00%. In the last 7 days, it is down by 0.06%. Metaverse Tokens This Week: SAND

Булак: coinmarketcap

Decentraland (Мана)

With a decline of 2.77% in the past week and of 5.07% today, the Decentraland token is costing 0.3947 USD. the trading volume has dipped by 27.28%. The market cap is presently at 732.95 billion USD. Мана

Булак: coinmarketcap


The coins in the metaverse ecosystem have shown a major dip in the last 24 hours and a slight dip over the past 7 days. It would be interesting to see if these coins will recover or fall further.

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Сунушталган мазмун автордун жеке пикирин камтышы мүмкүн жана базар шартына ылайык. Криптовалютага инвестиция салуудан мурун, базарыңызды изилдеңиз. Сиздин жеке материалдык чыгымыңыз үчүн автор же басылма эч кандай жоопкерчилик тартпайт.

Source: https://coingape.com/worst-metaverse-tokens-this-week-apecoin-the-sandbox-axie-infinity-decentraland-plummets/