Виталик Шектүү Масктын Твиттериндеги Blue Tick; Бул кеңештерди сунуштайт

Elon Musk, the world’s richest man and “Chief Twit” officially announced the “blue tick” subscription at just $8 per month for Twitter users. However, Vitalik Buterin, C0-founder of Ethereum seems to be a bit dubious regarding Musk’s latest Twitter plans.

Will Elon’s Twitter blue tick plan work?

Buterin presented that he is a little skeptical about how well this plan works out. He highlighted that it will depend on exactly how much due diligence is done in order to make sure users getting blue checks are who they say they are.

Paying $8 per month and calling yourself whatever you want would damage the blue check’s anti scam role, he added. However, he suggested that if there will be more actual verification then the results will be very different.

Vitalik mentioned that he doesn’t get this analysis of charging $8 per month for a Twitter blue tick creates an economy hierarchy. He stressed that the current blue check plan is much more exclusive than the $20 per month level from yesterday.

However, he suggested that verifications would be charged at cost. While it should be separate from other premium services.

Vitalik suggest this plan

Буга чейин Coingape бул тууралуу билдирген Musk dropped a Twitter blue tick subscription model for the users. He announced that the current lords and peasant system for those who have or don’t have a blue tick won’t work.

Musk mentioned that the user will get features like a priority in replies, mentions and search in order to defeat spam.

Meanwhile, Vitalik stated that he would support a one time fee for the Twitter blue tick. This plan makes more sense from an anti abuse perspective. The one time fee would be greater than the current $8 per month plan.

He added that if any user gets banned for misusing the blue check then they would have to pay more to try again.

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Source: https://coingape.com/vitalik-dubious-on-musks-twitter-blue-tick-suggests-these-tips/