Шиба Инунун жетектөөчү иштеп чыгуучусу Виталик Ковид изилдөөсүнө кошумча 100 миллион доллар бергенине жооп кайтарды

Shiba Inu lead developer, lauds Vitalik Buterin’s $100 million donation to Covid research, reflecting a shared commitment to global health and innovation.

In a show of solidarity, Shytoshi Kusama, the lead developer of Shiba Inu (SHIB), tweeted a GIF content bearing a ‘bravo’ inscription with resounding applause to a recent update from Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum (ETH) blockchain.

Kusama’s response comes in the wake of his recent emergence from silence, during which he reportedly worked on significant developments within the SHIB ecosystem. 

In Buterin’s tweet, he announced an additional $100 million donation to Covid research projects, building upon the previous $100 million allocation by CryptoRelief.

Kusama’s enthusiastic reaction reflects his support for Buterin’s initiative and their shared commitment to addressing global health challenges. 

Buterin Calls for Scientific Innovation 

Buterin’s recent Tweet emphasized the need for a global solution to combat Covid and future pandemics. He highlighted the importance of combining scientific innovation with on-the-ground implementation, focusing on public health solutions that respect individual rights, are accessible to all, and promote enjoyable lives.

The additional $100 million will be disbursed through Buterin’s entity Kanro, in collaboration with CryptoRelief. The funds will support various projects, including research on Long Covid, airborne transmission, indoor air quality improvements, and the development of innovative technologies such as UVC irradiation.

Shiba Inu and Buterian Collabs

The collaboration between Buterin, Kusama, and the CryptoRelief team demonstrates a collective effort to make a meaningful difference in fighting the global pandemic and preparing for future health crises. 

Notably, the SHIB community and the Ethereum founder have always had a good rapport concerning charity and humanitarian courses. As билдирди by Crypto Basic early this year, Buterin donated over $150,000 to a wallet Kusama vouched for in support of earthquake victims in Turkey, showcasing his trust for the SHIB lead developer.

Last year, Buterin thanked the SHIB community for donating to a charity project he created in response to the world pandemic, as билдирди by Crypto Basic.

In 2021, Buterin incinerated 90% of his SHIB portfolio worth $6.7 billion to push the coin’s price. He pledged to donate the rest of his SHIB holding to crypto relief programs.

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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2023/06/09/shiba-inu-lead-developer-reacts-as-vitalik-donates-additional-100m-to-covid-research/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=shiba-inu-lead-developer-reacts-as-vitalik-donates-additional-100m-to-covid-research