Gym Positivity компаниясынын башкы директору ал Ripple жана XRP колдоочусу экенин айтты

Gym Positivity CEO declares support for XRP and Ripple.  

Joey Swoll, the CEO of Gym Positivity, said he had been a supporter of XRP and Silicon Valley-based company Ripple since 2019 

Swoll made this known while responding to a question by prominent XRP YouTuber “Mickle.” In a series of tweets, popular XRP community member Mr. Huber (@Leerzeit) expressed excitement after Swoll followed him on Twitter. 

The development shocked many XRP enthusiasts, including “Mickle,” who asked whether Swoll had been a “secret member” of the XRP community. 

Responding to the question, Swoll noted that he is not a “secret” XRP community member. The CEO of Gym Positivity disclosed that he has been supporting both Ripple and XRP since he started learning about them in 2019. 

Swoll expressed gratitude to Mickle and other top XRP enthusiasts who have been educating people about the crypto project and growing the XRP community. Furthermore, the famous fitness enthusiast said he watches Mickle’s YouTube videos every night in order to learn more about XRP and Ripple. 

Swoll Promotes XRP Adoption 

Moments after his tweet, Swoll shared an update about how he helped someone purchase a gym membership using XRP, the sixth-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. Per Swoll, he also helped the unnamed person to start saving in XRP to buy a car. 

Meanwhile, Swoll did not disclose whether he holds XRP. However, Swoll’s recent remarks about XRP and Ripple sparked jubilation among supporters of the cryptocurrency. 

For context, Swoll, who calls himself the CEO of Gym Positivity, strives to eliminate negativity from the gym. The fitness enthusiast aims to achieve this goal by changing toxic gym culture through spreading compassion, community, and positivity. He also uses his social media account to call out people who malign the healthy environment in the gym. 

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