GRC маалымат борборунун суюктукка чөмүлүү менен муздатуу үчүн ElectroSafe Fluid өнөктөш программасын ишке киргизди

New program will validate a range of globally available dielectric fluids for use in GRC’s patented liquid immersion cooling systems, providing end-users with a choice of environmentally responsible fluids

AUSTIN, Texas–(BUSINESS WIRE)–GRC® (Жашыл революция муздатуу®), the global leader in single-phase чөмүлүү муздатуу for data centers, today announced its new fluid partner program—the ElectroSafe® Fluid Partner Program—expanding the choices data center operators have in deploying best-in-class fluids, that have been validated for material compatibility, performance, and safety, for their GRC liquid immersion cooling systems.

As the adoption of immersion cooling accelerates, vendors continue to introduce new fluid formulations to the market. GRC is uniquely positioned to collaborate with the world’s leading energy, chemical, and fluid manufacturers to continually drive innovation, guaranteeing that next-generation fluids are globally available and capable of optimizing IT performance for single-phase immersion cooling deployments. As a result of its global reach, the ElectroSafe Partner Program will prevent supply chain disruption and meet budgetary requirements. GRC’s contribution to the recently announced Open Compute Project (OCP) immersion cooling specification, led by Intel, will also be incorporated into the fluid program evaluation protocol.

“GRC is excited about the rapid innovation in the fluid space. We have a responsibility to protect our customers’ investment in both GRC systems, as well as the IT equipment deployed in those systems,” said Peter Poulin, CEO of GRC. “The ElectroSafe Partner Program starts with providing fluids that are globally available and meet technical and environmental standards throughout the lifecycle of the data center. Together with our partners, data center operators choose immersion cooling solutions to improve energy efficiency, cooling capacity, and reliability.”

менен бирге ElectroSafe fluids, GRC’s products are engineered to ensure maximum system uptime while maintaining their cooling capacity. All ElectroSafe single-phase fluids are designed to remain in a liquid state during use. As such, they do not decompose over time and neither need to be replaced nor present any health risks from exposure and inhalation. They are readily biodegradable and can be recycled and reused. GRC immersion cooling systems are optimized to deliver the best cooling performance with ElectroSafe validated coolants. Once validated and deployed, GRC commits to collaborate with fluid providers to integrate market needs and customer experience to develop the fluids of the future. There is an ElectroSafe coolant that meets the needs of virtually every computing environment.

GRC жөнүндө

GRC - бул чөмүлүүчү муздатуу органы®. Компаниянын патенттелген чөмүлүүчү муздатуу технологиясы маалымат борборунун муздатуу инфраструктурасын жайылтууну түп-тамырынан жөнөкөйлөтөт. Муздаткычтарга, CRACтарга, аба иштеткичтерге, нымдуулукту башкарууга жана башка кадимки муздатуу компоненттерине болгон муктаждыкты жок кылуу менен, ишканалар маалымат борборун долбоорлоо, куруу, энергия жана тейлөө чыгымдарын азайтат. GRC чечимдери жыйырма бир өлкөдө жайылтылган жана кийинки муундагы тиркемелер платформалары үчүн идеалдуу, анын ичинде жасалма интеллект, блокчейн, HPC, 5G жана башка четки эсептөө жана негизги тиркемелер. Алардын системалары экологиялык жактан туруктуу, туруктуу жана мейкиндикти үнөмдөөчү, бул аларды эң аз убакыт менен дээрлик бардык жерде жайгаштырууга мүмкүндүк берет. Visit Бул тууралуу көбүрөөк маалымат алыш үчүн.


Milldam Public Relations
Адам Вайткунас

978-828-8304 (мобилдик)

[электрондук почта корголгон]
