Meta Facebook жана Instagram'да NFT жарыялоо функциясын ачат

A few weeks after Meta Platforms Inc, the parent company of the popular social media networks Facebook and Instagram, expanded its non-fungible tokens (NFTs) support across 100 countries, the firm has now integrated a new feature that allows users to post their NFTs on both platforms. 

In a Monday announcement, the social media powerhouse said it had upgraded its NFT support to enable users to link their wallet addresses to either of the social applications to share their digital artwork and collectibles across Facebook and Instagram. 

«Биз Facebook жана Instagramда санариптик коллекцияларды чыгарууну улантып жаткандыктан, биз адамдарга Facebook жана Instagram аркылуу өздөрүнүн санариптик коллекцияларын жарыялоо мүмкүнчүлүгүн бере баштадык. Бул адамдарга санариптик коллекцияларын экөөнө тең бөлүшүү үчүн санарип капчыктарын бир жолу колдонмого туташтырууга мүмкүндүк берет.

Meta Integrates DeFi Wallet

The American Multinational company noted that users could connect their DeFi wallets like MetaMask, Trust Wallet, Coinbase Wallet, and Dapper Wallet on either of the platforms to post and interact with their NFTs on the social apps.

Meta started its NFT testing on Instagram in May, allowing a small group of digital art creators and collectors from the United States to participate in the testing phase with plans to onboard more users upon successful completion.

Coinfomania reported at the time that the participants would be able to post their unique NFT collections directly on their Instagram stories and feeds or even as a direct message to their audience. Later in June, the company extended similar testing on Facebook.

On August 24, the social media firm announced the expansion of its NFT support across 100 countries in Africa, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and the United States.

For now, the company only supports a few blockchains like Ethereum, Polygon, and Flow.

NFT Trading Volume Slumps

The latest development comes just as the appetite for NFTs seems to be slowing down due to the recent market slump that affected the entire global financial markets. 

According to reports from Fortune, the NFT trading volume on the popular marketplace OpenSea dropped 99% within the last four months. 
