Blue chip NFT лотерея долбоору "Bored & Lucky" Yuga Labs IP экосистемасына кошулат

US, NY, 22nd September, 2022, Chainwire

As the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) continues to reign the NFT space and going well beyond towards the mass adoption, we see the rise of projects using the full potential of renowned jpegs – as BAYC owners have full intellectual property rights over their NFTs. Recently the ecosystem has attracted a lot of big names that utilize IP offered by BAYC, like Snoop Dogg and Eminem who smashed the VMAs rocking their ape personas like nobody’s watching.

Now the Yuga Labs IP ecosystem is joined by the Bored & Lucky, the world’s  first Bored Ape raffle platform. The platform offers everyone a fair chance to win blue chip NFTs and join some of the most exclusive NFT-gated communities in Web3, like BAYC, MAYC, and CryptoPunks.

Бул кантип иштейт

The whole process is fully transparent – all Bored & Lucky raffles are Ethereum smart contract based. The NFT prize and the funds received from the ticket sales are locked in the contract and the only way to release them is via a raffle process that is 100% fair for all parties involved.

The winning ticket is determined in a completely random and fair manner. To guarantee transparency and unbiased approach the winner is determined by smart contract via transaction on blockchain using Chainlink VRF to independently generate a random number to draw a winner.

There are currently 3 open raffles featuring a MAYC, a BAYC, and a CryptoPunk, with the very first DeadFellaz #1175 NFT already raffled away to a new winner.

Who is BAYC #4619

BAYC #4691 is an incredibly lucky ape who has made his fortune on smart crypto investment choices. A real connoisseur of art and all things classy, he’s now chasing away the boredom by spreading the luck and organizing raffles with life-changing blue chip NFTs.

For more information on Bored & Lucky visit

Chainlink жөнүндө

Chainlink - бул кандайдыр бир blockchainде гибрид акылдуу келишимдерди иштетүү үчүн керектүү Oracle кызматтарын куруу, жетүү жана сатуу боюнча тармактык стандарт. Chainlink oracle тармактары ар кандай тышкы APIге ишенимдүү туташуу жана өзгөчөлүктөргө бай колдонмолорду иштетүү үчүн коопсуз чынжырдан тышкаркы эсептөөлөрдү колдонуу жолу менен акылдуу келишимдерди камсыздайт. Chainlink учурда DeFi, камсыздандыруу, оюн жана башка негизги тармактар ​​боюнча ондогон миллиард долларларды коргойт жана дүйнөлүк ишканаларга жана алдыңкы маалымат провайдерлерине бардык блокчейндердин универсалдуу шлюзун сунуштайт.

For more information on Chainlink visit

Yuga Labs жөнүндө

The possibilities for blockchain’s impact on culture are endless. Yuga Labs is a Web3 platform building most known for the creation of the Bored Ape Yacht Club and a recent Metaverse project Otherside, as well as acquisition of CryptoPunks and Meebits. 

Yuga Labs жөнүндө көбүрөөк маалымат алуу үчүн 

