Бүгүнкү сөз #221 Жооп: Шаршемби, 26-январь Чечим

Wednesday is for Wordle! At least, that’s what I like to think, though mostly because of the W’s. I’m a sucker for alliteration, what can I say?

You know what else starts with a ‘W’? Winning, that’s what. And so far with this little word-puzzle game all I do is win, win, win no matter what.

But I digress. I do think that today, just because it’s a Wednesday, I’ll start my Wordle out with a ‘W’ word. ‘WHITE’ or ‘WIRES’ or perhaps ‘WARTS’—we shall see. I’m writing this post as midnight approaches and have yet to make up my mind on a good starting word.

Speaking of good starting words, be sure to check out my Wordle Tips & Tricks post and watch the video below. I give out my best advice for succeeding at the game, though ultimately wins and losses will come down to your puzzling prowess and luck.

If you’re new to Wordle, give my ‘What’s Wordle?’ guide a read. I go into detail on how the game works and a bit of its backstory.

Basically, Wordle is a totally free, totally ad-free word puzzle that you can’t find on the App Store or Google Play. Head to the game’s расмий сайтында Баштоо үчүн.

Forbes КӨБҮРӨӨКWordle деген эмне? Интернетти басып алган вирустук сөз табышмак оюну түшүндүрүлдү

What’s Today’s Wordle #221 Solution?

We now head into spoiler territory. I repeat: Spoilers lay in ambush ahead. I am warning you, dearest readers, oh thou fellow Wordlers, an answer to Wordle #221 lies ahead.

But first—a hint!

Do this to the moles.

Okay, scroll down for the answer…

As you can see, I solved this one . . . quite fast.

I decided to go with a word starting with ‘W’ because, as I noted above, it’s Wordle Wednesday and we need to embrace the alliteration in our lives.

‘WEARY’ gave me the ‘W’ and ‘A’ in the correct spots, and there just aren’t a ton of words that start with W and have A in the third spot. I figured ‘H’ had to come next and I took a leap of faith with ‘WHACK’ for the WIN.

Whack is thought to have originated in the 18th century, originally meaning ‘to strike sharply.’ It may have been derived from соктоо and merged with кыран уран at some point to form the slang version of whack, which indicates something crazy or messed up, like that game was whack, man.

In any case, that’s your Wordle answer of the day for Wednesday. Happy puzzling, young padawans! How many guesses did it take you today? Let me know on Twitter же Facebook.

Сөзсүз stay tuned to this blog for daily Wordle answers and discussion. Thanks for reading!

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Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2022/01/26/todays-wordle-word-of-the-day-answer-221-wednesday-january-26th/