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Play-to-Earn Games

  • Play-to-earn rewards players for taking part in the gameplay.
  • Move to earn are games that reward players for physical activities.
  • Both concepts are growing at a faster rate.

Everyone has played a video game or at least saw someone playing it. They are fun to play or watch. Play-to-earn (P2E) and Move to earn (M2E) are a couple of concepts in the gaming industry that are revolutionizing the sector.

Play-to-Earn (P2E) оюндары

P2E games have completely changed the perspective of gamers towards gaming. The games were supposed to have fun while playing, but the sector has come a long way. And games are no longer just a means for having fun. Streamers stream their games on Twitch, Youtube or other channels, allowing them to generate yield through the gameplay.

Players are not required to stream their games to generate income if they are playing any play to earn games. P2E concept allows them to earn crypto coins, NFTs, and more, which can be traded on crypto exchanges and converted into fiat money. Even if you are not streaming, you have a lot of potential to earn in this sector.

Major crypto P2E games include Axie Infinity, a game with pokemon like characters; The Sandbox, a pixelated game, allowing users to create, trade and sell in game; Decentraland, a game similar to The Sandbox with alternate graphics. There are a lot more P2E games where folks can have fun and earn income.

Move To Earn Games (M2E)

Sure, P2E games are a fun concept, as they offer income. But Move-to-Earn games offer one more thing apart from fun, Fitness!! Move-to-Earn is a similar concept where people can receive rewards by taking part in the gameplay. But they cannot sit on a couch and eat chips while playing. You have to move your body to collect the rewards.

The concept came into the spotlight with the introduction of the Stepn app recently. The players are required to acquire NFT sneakers before playing the game, then they can generate income while moving into the real world. Another game called Genopets, allows the players to own pokemon like creatures where they will grow stronger as users move in the physical world.

Эмне тандоо керек?

Both concepts are really interesting, and both allow the users to generate income while having fun. Players can choose according to their own convenience. For me, I would choose Move-to-Earn gaming, as it is both fun and helps in making the body fit as a fiddle.

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/07/12/play-to-earn-vs-move-to-earn-which-is-better/