Түндүк Американын үстүнөн атып түшүрүлгөн объекттер "үлгүнүн" бир бөлүгү, дейт Трюдо


Канаданын өкмөт башчысы Джастин Трюдо сунуш Monday there may be some sort of connection between three unidentified objects shot down over North American airspace during the past few days, saying “obviously there is some sort of pattern in there” as officials remain vague about what the objects may be.

Негизги маалымат

Trudeau said the objects are “cause of interest and close attention” at a press briefing Monday, declining to go into further detail about what they are and why they were flying over North America.

Trudeau’s comments came just before National Security Council spokesman John Kirby spoke at a White House news conference, where he refused to elaborate on the prime minister’s remarks, claiming he had not heard them.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre opened Monday’s briefing by saying there is “no indication of aliens or extraterrestrial activity with these recent takedowns”—one of the few fragments of information officials have actually confirmed so far.

Негизги фондо

U.S. fighters shot down an object traveling at an altitude of about 40,000 feet off the northern coast of Alaska on Friday, before downing another object moving at 40,000 feet Канаданын Юкон аймагынын үстүнөн on Saturday—through cooperation with Canadian authorities—and then another flying at 20,000 feet over Lake Huron on Sunday. Hardly any details have been released about the aircraft, which U.S. officials say were shot down since they posed threats to civilian flight. Recovery attempts are underway, though the Alaska and Yukon locations are very remote and the remains of the Lake Huron object crashed into the cold waters. What is known is the objects were unmanned and lacked propulsion mechanisms, meaning they were likely guided by winds, according to Kirby. The Lake Huron object has been described as octagon-shaped with strings hanging off of it, while the Alaska object was roughly the size of a small car. Officials have not provided an early description of the Yukon object.

News Peg

The objects appeared after the U.S. shot down a шектелген кытайлык тыңчы шар off the coast of South Carolina earlier this month. Kirby said Monday it was not clear if the three other objects were balloons.

андан ары окуу

Келгиндер шарлардагы окуялардын артында калган эмес, дейт Ак үй (Forbes)

АКШ Алясканын үстүнөн "коркунуч" болгон объектти атып түшүрдү, деп билдирди Пентагон (Forbes)

Канаданын үстүнөн атып түшүрүлгөн учуучу объект тууралуу биз билгендин баары — Алясканын үстүндөгү окшош окуядан бир күндөн кийин (Forbes)

Америкалык аскерлер дагы бир учуучу объектти — бул жолу Гурон көлүнүн үстүнөн атып түшүрүштү (Forbes)

Пентагон Кытайдын тыңчысы деп шектелген аба шары АКШнын үстүнөн учуп жүргөнүн билдирди (Forbes)

АКШ кытайлык тыңчы деп шектелген шарды Атлантика океанынын үстүнөн атып түшүрдү (Forbes)

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2023/02/13/objects-shot-down-over-north-america-part-of-a-pattern-trudeau-says/