"Чоң Шорт" Берри биржадагы секирүү закым экенин сунуштайт

Michael Burry is a historic figure in investing. Many retail investors check his every word and social-media post in hopes of finding clues to good investment strategy. 

His stock portfolio is scrutinized to see which companies have his confidence and which do not. Addressing some of the companies that do not, Burry, who runs the хедж фонд Scion Asset Management, has shorted their stocks, making bets that in the short term their stock prices will decline.

In times of sharp uncertainty, like right now, Burry’s messages are particularly anticipated. Investors wonder whether a hard landing — a тереңдик — is on the horizon or whether the Федералдык резерв can engineer a soft economic landing. 

Source: https://www.thestreet.com/technology/big-short-burry-suggests-the-stock-market-jump-is-a-mirage?puc=yahoo&cm_ven=YAHOO&yptr=yahoo