Виталик Бутериндин айтымында, Ethereum биригүүсү глобалдык энергияны колдонууну 0.2% га кыскартты, бул эң ири декарбонизация окуяларынын бири

The Merge not only could help the environment, it could also lure more money to Ethereum from ESG investors – those who only invest in companies and industries that achieve certain environmental, social and corporate-governance goals. Investors barred from buying tokens that run on PoW systems may be able to buy ETH, Ethereum’s native token, after the PoS switch, Bank of America said in a билдирүү Бул жума.

Source: https://www.coindesk.com/business/2022/09/15/vitalik-buterin-says-ethereum-merge-cut-global-energy-usage-by-02-one-of-biggest-decarbonization-events-ever/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines