Crypto Bottom деп атаган инвестор Ethereum (ETH) жана Solana (SOL) караганда башка долбоорлорду "аз жарылуучу" дейт

An investor who correctly called the 2022 crypto bottom says that Ethereum (ETH) жана Солана (SOL) are ahead of the curve when it comes to pulling in more users.

In a new interview on Real VIsion with macro guru Raoul Pal, Chris Burniske, a partner at venture capital firm Placeholder, мындай дейт: that crypto assets competing with Ethereum (ETH) жана Солана (SOL) have less potential in terms of harnessing network effects.

According to Burniske, even though interoperable blockchains like Polkadot (DOTжана Космос (ATOM) made more “logical” design choices, they’re not as attractive as Ethereum and Solana.

“[Polkadot] is still a top-20 network, and I don’t think it goes away, but it’s important for people to pay attention to the differences in crypto asset design and use, because that’s a big one. That’s where I see ETH and SOL as quite similar, and some of the other designs. They made more rational or logical decisions I would say, but they’re less explosive or less exposed to network effects.”

Burniske goes on to say that he and his company are interested in investing into the future infrastructure of blockchains as well as crypto projects focused on creating decentralized applications (DApps).

“In the public markets, it has been buying the distressed, important infrastructure of the next expansion… They’re big teams, they’re well-financed, they’re liquid. It’s a little bit like being able to buy Microsoft and Amazon and those types of names after the dot-com crash…

Right now, at least at the venture stage, because again, I have all this infrastructure exposure in the public markets, venture stage, I’m drawn more toward application stuff, and so it would be things like Tensor, which is built on Solana. So it’s a NFT [non-fungible token] exchange built on Solana, really native experience. It’s kind of like the TradingView or Bloomberg of NFTs…

[Another example would be] Vault. Vaults are basically programmable environments for artists to launch experiences for their top fans. They start with the music industry because the music industry has lost a lot of revenue because the top fans can’t interact with artists like they used to be able to and Vault is trying to create that in a digital environment.”

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/solarseven/kkssr
