Ethereum баасы ТОКУКТУУ! Андан кийин эмне болуп жатканы сизди таң калтырбашы керек

Ethereum price broke the strong psychological price of $3,000 and is currently trading lower. However, the strong consolidation area for Ether does not lie at that 3k area, but slightly lower around $2,800. Today, there are 2 potential case scenarios for Ethereum, either collapse or rebound. Although this seems logical, actual price action usually is way more complicated than a simple up or down movement. In this Ethereum price prediction article, we analyze the potential move of Ethereum. Is Ethereum up?

Ethereum Crypto деген эмне?

Ethereum Биткойн сыяктуу эле консенсус механизми менен башталды далил-жылдын иши. Бирок долбоорго өтүүнү каалайт далил-жылдын устунга. Ethereumда бул жаңы протокол Каспер деп аталат. Биткойндон айырмаланып, Ethereumда Тьюрингдин толук виртуалдык машинасы бар. Бул машина таасирдүү борбордон ажыратылган программаларды түзүү үчүн колдонулушу мүмкүн, жакшы белгилүү акылдуу келишимдер. Бул программалар транзакциялар менен блокчейнге жазылган. Андан кийин колдонуучулар транзакциялар аркылуу бул программалардын өзгөчөлүктөрүнө кире алышы керек. Муну менен логикага жана кырдаалга жараша программанын шарттарын өзгөртүүгө болот. 

Чат дискордуна кошулуңуз

Аавеготчис Гильдиясы

Is Ethereum Price up soon?

Ethereum price formed a trend channel during the recent down move, which is heading towards the $2,720 support. Since the course will soon have to decide whether to hold the support or continue to follow the trend channel, an explosive breakout could occur in just a few days! If the Ethereum price breaks the $2,720 support, we anticipate the price to continue bearish. If the price breaks the descending trend channel, we expect a rise to at least $3,000. This would be the least the Ethereum course should achieve.


ETH/USD 1-day chart showing the downtrend of Ether
Fig.1 ETH/USD 1-day chart showing the downtrend of Ether – TradingView

Ethereum Price Prediction – Where will Ether reach next?

Эгерде Ethereum price breaks out in a bearish manner, we expect the price to drop to the nearest support. This is around $2,500, which is why a price loss of around 11.5% is conceivable. However, if there is a bullish breakout, the price could rally to $3,000 as previously written. After that, we expect a final climb to around $3,290. That would be the end goal if the Ethereum price breaks out bullish. It is not yet possible to say whether the course will break out in a bullish or bearish manner. It is important to note whether the trend line or the $2,720 support line will break first. Until nothing is broken, there is no telling where it will go.


ETH/USD 1-day chart showing an Ethereum price prediction
Fig.2 ETH/USD 1-day chart showing an Ethereum price prediction – TradingView

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