Ropsten боюнча Ethereum бириктирүү сыноо ийгиликтүү, Mainnet дюйм жакын

Ethereum developers have recorded another milestone on the path to switching the network to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. On Monday, developers successfully deployed the new Ethereum beacon chain on the Ropsten testnet.

The Ropsten test was ultimately successful, with the beacon chain generating its genesis block post-deployment. At the time of writing, validators have completed eight epochs with at least 100,000 validators and a high 73% voting participation rate.

Ethereum Merge Ropsten

What does this mean for the long-awaited Ethereum Merge?

The latest development marks the first time that the beacon chain has been merged with a public testnet. It paves the way for Ethereum developers to monitor the network’s performance, with an eye on identifying bugs such as those associated with clients and validators.

The successful launch on Ropsten also increases developer confidence in deploying the Merge on other public testnets, and finally the Ethereum mainnet. Although the current developments do not affect any known timelines, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin said earlier this month that the mainnet Merge will likely take place in August or later this summer.

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