Ethereum бириктирилиши 19-жылдын 2022-сентябрына чейин болушу мүмкүн, жаңы даталар ачыкка чыкты

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Ethereum’s Core Developer Says ETH Merge May Occur Before September 19, 2022.

ETH PoW and PoS chains may merge before the initially planned date.

Terence Tsao, the Ethereum protocol developer, has revealed that Ethereum’s mainnet merge may occur sooner than expected. 

According to Tsao, the merge of Ethereum’s Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) is “tentatively” scheduled for TTD 5875000000000000000000. This means that Ethereum enthusiasts may see the Merge mainnet upgrade occur on September 15 or September 16, 2022. 

However, Tsao noted that there is a possibility that the date may change at the last minute. 

"Эскертүү: кардар чыгарылмайынча эч нерсе акыркы эмес, ошондуктан күтүлбөгөн жагдайлардан улам акыркы мүнөттө өзгөрүүлөрдү күтүңүз," Tsao said. 

Ethereum 2.0 жаңыртуу

It is noteworthy that Ethereum’s mainnet Merge upgrade was initially tipped to take place on September 19, 2022. Interestingly, Tsao has revealed that the merge upgrade may occur before the initial date. 

The Merge is an important aspect of the launch of Ethereum 2.0. While ETH 2.0 is widely celebrated by investors, miners do not feel excited about the upgrade. They believe that a shift from a PoW algorithm to PoS will take away their source of revenue – miners’ rewards. 

As a result, top miners have indicated that they will not support ETH 2.0, with things looking like Ethereum may undergo another network fork. 

However, Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, is confident that Ethereum will not be affected by “another fork. « 

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