Crypto Analytics Firm Santiment айтымында, Ethereum жана бул Top-25 Altcoin бычактын сигналдарын жаркыратууда

A leading analytics firm says the utility of Ethereum (ETH) hasn’t dipped despite its price plummet over the past few months.

Santiment жазуулар in a new tweet that ETH’s number of daily active addresses (DAA) has remained steady over the past four months despite losing approximately 35% in price over the same period.

According to the crypto analytics firm, the disparity between Ethereum’s DAA and price has created a bullish divergence for the leading smart contract platform.

Булак: Santiment / Twitter

Ethereum жазуу учурунда $2,769.18 боюнча соода жатат, акыркы 5 саатта дээрлик 24% га.

Ethereum isn’t the only crypto asset flashing potentially bullish metrics. Santiment says that the decentralized oracle network Chainlink (LINK) is in an interesting token circulation pattern.

As the analytics firm түшүндүрөт in a recent Santiment Insights blogpost,

“There were a few times when circulation increased, then dumped, and then price surged. There is a chance we are now in a similar pattern.”

Булак: Сантимент

Santiment also notes that since January, the majority of LINK tokens have been moved at a loss, a potential bottom indicator.

Булак: Сантимент

LINK жазуу учурунда $14.73 боюнча соода жатат. Рыноктун капиталы боюнча 24-орунда турган крипто активи акыркы 6 саатта 24% дан ашык өстү.

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Өзгөчөлөнгөн сүрөт: Shutterstock/local_doctor/Natalia Siiatovskaya
