Бул жерде кала турган 3 криптовалюталар - Polkadot, FTX Токен жана Big Eyes Coin жана азыр аларды сатып алууга убакыт келди

Is cryptocurrency the future of financial technology, or is it a short-lived facade? Is cryptocurrency the real deal? This debate has raged since the advent of Bitcoin. We’ll have a look at what the evidence suggests below. No industry has ever grown as rapidly as cryptocurrency. However, much of the progress has been decimated by a major collapse in the summer. What are the practical applications of cryptocurrency, and are they truly advantageous? The crypto crash notwithstanding, the answer to the queries would be that cryptocurrency is useful. The governments of the world are beginning to come to terms with it; they’re introducing measures to safeguard traders and allow cryptocurrency to grow. Now that we’ve discussed it broadly, we’ll look at specific tokens to determine if they’re worth an investment.

Polkadot (DOT) – The Successful Multichain

Polkadot (DOT) is an open-source, sharded multichain project. Polkadot links a network of specific blockchains that support the cross-chain movement of data and asset types. In simple terms, Polkadot provides blockchain interoperability. The platform was established to give users Web 3.0, a decentralized internet of blockchains. Polkadot is divided into four principal components, starting with the Relay Chain, considered the “heart” of the platform.

The Relay Chain enables Polkadot to facilitate interoperability, consensus, and shared security. Another key element is Parachains, autonomous chains optimized for unique use cases. The third component is Parathreads; they are similar to parachains and operate on a pay-as-you-go model, allowing them to have flexible connectivity. The fourth and final entity is Bridges, which links parachains and parathreads.

FTX Токени (FTT)

The second token we’ll concentrate on is FTT. FTX Token is a derivatives trading project launched in 2019. The team running the platform consists of legitimate cryptocurrency enthusiasts; they have identified issues that persistently impact exchanges, which is why they’ve collaborated and created FTX Token.

One of the pivotal features of FTT is clawback prevention, a centralized collateral pool that also offers universal stablecoin settlements. FTX Token is supported by notable trading ventures, such as Coinbase Ventures, BlackRock, Temasek, Almeda Research, and Sequoia Capital. At the time of writing, there are more than one million community members on the platform, while daily trading is in billions of dollars.

Big Eyes Coin (BIG) деген эмне?

The only new token on our list, Чоң көздөр Coin (BIG) is classed as a community token, which means its focus is primarily on facilitating charitable endeavors. BIG differs slightly from conventional community tokens because the platform uses the latest technological means in cryptocurrency. For example, the platform will support the shifting of wealth into the decentralized finance space. Token holders can use Non-Fungible Tokens to access exclusive content once they’ve signed up on Big Eyes Coin. Getting back to the charity part, as money is moved into the DeFi ecosystem, part of the money will be apportioned to a charity wallet maintained specifically for the oceans. The more you use BIG, the greater the sum of money that will go the conserving the oceans.


The relevant details of the token distribution are given below:

  1. 200 billion tokens in circulation
  2. 140 billion for a public presale
  3. 40 billion for exchanges
  4. 10 billion for marketing
  5. 10 billion for charity

Like every innovative technology, cryptocurrency has its fair share of supporters and detractors. If you’re in the former category, we highly recommend investing in the tokens mentioned above. The first two are available for purchase, and Big Eyes is on presale. You can buy BIG tokens by downloading MetaMask. Once you’ve installed the app, you can purchase tokens with ETH or by card.

In addition, the team behind Big Eyes Coin (BIG) is doing a bonus tokens giveaway, to claim the bonus tokens use the code: SUSHI475 when buying BIG tokens.

Big Eyes Coin (BIG) жөнүндө көбүрөөк маалымат алуу үчүн, сиз төмөнкү шилтемелерге кирсеңиз болот:

Алдын ала сатуу: https://buy.bigeyes.space/

каршы сайтынын дареги: https://bigeyes.space/

Телеграммада: https://t.me/BIGEYESOFFICIAL

баш тартуу

Бул пресс-релизде же демөөрчү постто жазылган ар кандай маалымат инвестициялык кеңеш болуп саналбайт. Thecoinrepublic.com бул баракчадагы эч кандай компания же жеке адам жөнүндө эч кандай маалыматты колдобойт жана колдобойт. Окурмандар бул пресс-релизде же демөөрчүлүк билдирүүдө жазылган мазмундун негизинде эмес, өз алдынча изилдөө жүргүзүп, кандайдыр бир аракеттерди жасоого чакырылат. Thecoinrepublic.com бул пресс-релизде же демөөрчүлүк билдирүүдө айтылган кандайдыр бир мазмунду, продуктуну же кызматты колдонуудан түз же кыйыр түрдө келтирилген зыян же жоготуу үчүн жооптуу эмес.

Конок Автордун акыркы билдирүүлөрү (баарын көрүү)

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/12/06/the-3-cryptocurrencies-here-to-stay-polkadot-ftx-token-and-big-eyes-coin-and-now-is-the-time-to-buy-them/