Улуу Британиянын жаңы эрежелерине ылайык акысыз жарнамалык NFTs, крипто-айрдроптор тыюу салынат, дейт FCA's Matthew Long

The U.K.’s strict crypto financial promotions rules will come into effect on Oct. 8, according to a report the FCA published on Thursday. Under these rules, crypto will be categorized as a “restricted mass market investment,” and will require adverts on crypto to have clear risk warnings. What’s more, incentives for the general public to invest in cryptocurrencies will be banned.

Source: https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2023/06/09/free-promotional-nfts-crypto-airdrops-would-be-banned-under-new-uk-rules-official-says/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines