Coinsniper 6-октябрда бейшемби күнү Big Eyes Coin AMA өткөрөт жана сиз кантип катыша аласыз

Big Eyes Coin is the meme token everyone has been talking about, with its explosive launch onto the market and skyrocketing value making it difficult to avoid. In just 24 hours, the project was able to raise over $500,000, with the value of the project now standing at over $4.3 Million.

Needless to say, many community members and onlookers alike may have questions about the project. This is why the Big Eyes Coin team is collaborating with Coinsniper to bring the community a live AMA, where they hope to communicate with those interested in the project, show transparency as to the project’s goals and plans, and most importantly to send Big Eyes Coin to the moon.

Big Eyes Coin деген эмне?

For the uninformed, Big Eyes Coin is a cat-themed meme token taking on this sector of the crypto market in various ways. From its community focus to token utility to goals of multimedia franchising, Big Eyes Coin is unlike many other emerging meme tokens, with these highlighted goals being just some of the reasons why so many are becoming intrigued by the project.

One of the biggest facets of the project, for example, is Big Eyes Coins’ charity work, which is aimed specifically at ocean and marine life conservation. As a cat, it is no surprise that the Big Eyes mascot character loves fish, and so having a charity

This charity work will be undertaken via the Big Eyes Coin charity wallet, which currently holds 5% of all BIG tokens. These tokens will be donated in several batches across the project’s roadmap, allowing these donations to grow in value alongside the project.

It is this charity work that many in the community have questions about, as well as many other topics surrounding the project. This leads nicely into the upcoming AMA, and how YOU can get involved.

How Can I Participate In The Big Eyes Coin AMA?

The Big Eyes Coin AMA will go live on Thursday, 6th of October at 14:00 UTC. The AMA will be held on the Coinsniper telegram channel and invites community members and newcomers alike to get involved in learning a little more about the project.

The AMA will be answered by the Big Eyes Coin CTO and will consist of a handful of questions carefully selected by the Coinsniper team based on community questions. Expect to find out more about the Big Eyes Coin roadmap, their taxing systems regarding NFTs and tokens, and much more, diving deep into some of the community’s most burning questions.

Participants can watch these questions being answered in real-time, and can use reactions on comments as they are posted. Information this up-to-date and direct to the community is a great way for the team to build a bond with its audience, and allows investors and community members alike to get a real sense of what the Big Eyes Coin project is all about.

As a live AMA, this will be community members only chance to get involved in real-time. Therefore, be sure to set your timers, and do not miss out on this exciting event!

For more information on Big Eyes Coin, check out the following links:

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каршы сайтынын дареги:


And find the Coinsniper Telegram at:

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Бул пресс-релизде же демөөрчү постто жазылган ар кандай маалымат инвестициялык кеңеш болуп саналбайт. бул баракчадагы эч кандай компания же жеке адам жөнүндө эч кандай маалыматты колдобойт жана колдобойт. Окурмандар бул пресс-релизде же демөөрчүлүк билдирүүдө жазылган мазмундун негизинде эмес, өз алдынча изилдөө жүргүзүп, кандайдыр бир аракеттерди жасоого чакырылат. бул пресс-релизде же демөөрчүлүк билдирүүдө айтылган кандайдыр бир мазмунду, продуктуну же кызматты колдонуудан түз же кыйыр түрдө келтирилген зыян же жоготуу үчүн жооптуу эмес.

Конок Автордун акыркы билдирүүлөрү (баарын көрүү)
