Helium (HNT) иштеп чыгуучулары тармакты Solana (SOL) Blockchainге которууну караштырышат

The core developers of Helium (HNT) want to move the decentralized wireless network for the Internet of Things (IoT) to high-performance blockchain Solana (SOL).

In a new blog post, the Helium Foundation мындай дейт: that the developer team is considering making major changes to the blockchain as users have begun to experience problems stemming from the network’s rapid growth.

“In the last several months, these have proven to be a challenge for users: reduced PoC activity due to Network size and blockchain/Validator load and issues with data packet transfer due to complexities of unnecessarily managing the flow of data and subsequent accounting on the Helium blockchain.”

Ичинде сунуш, developers outline their plan to improve the operational efficiency of Helium. Part of the proposed changes is to migrate the network to a more scalable Layer-1 blockchain, namely Solana.

«With the move to more “oracled” activity on chain, we believe that the simplification allows us to select a more scalable Layer 1 for the Helium community, specifically Solana. 

Integration of the Helium tokens (HNT, DC, IOT, and MOBILE, initially) into the Solana ecosystem additionally provides Helium wallet holders access to a variety of applications, governance mechanisms, and other utilities not available natively on our sovereign L1. «

The proposal aims to address Helium’s speed, reliability and scalability. The developers also see several other benefits of integrating with Solana given the extent of platform’s tools and other resources.

“There are a variety of advantages of integrating with the Solana ecosystem including fast and cheap transactions and native governance primitives, but it also brings a whole host of new developers into our ecosystem.”

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/betibup33/WindAwake

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/08/31/helium-hnt-developers-consider-moving-network-over-to-solana-sol-blockchain/