Жөлөкпулдун өнүгүүсү Дубайда биринчи жолу Bitcoin Sky Mansionди ишке киргизди

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The World’s first BTC sky mansion available for fractional ownership is being launched in Dubai.

Bitcoin seems to be gaining more momentum after years of apathy against it by governments, people, and institutions. That has hanged over the last few years, and now, a new investment dimension is being conceived. According to акыркы маалыматтар by Khaleej times, Dubai is slated to host the first ever Bitcoin Sky Mansion, a one-of-kind structure that will be floated in the market for fractional ownership.

Fractional ownership means that investors will be able to purchase a share of the building in terms of Bitcoin. The building will be inaugurated by Welfare Developments in partnership with Propchain, an entity that facilitates real estate investments across the world via digital means.

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The interesting part about the Bitcoin Sky Mansion is its striking architecture and strategic placement with the city of Dubai. Dubai is part of the United Arab Emirates, and it’s one of the top spots where new technologies are highly appreciated. It’s no surprise that the BSM is getting set up in Dubai.

The 6,000sq building stands in the middle of the rich city, with its three floors towering over the popular Boulevard Point. From the balcony, a clear view of the city’s pride, Burj Khalifa, is breathtaking. Each room in the Bitcoin Sky Mansion is branded “BTC,” giving off the vibe of space highly receptive to cryptos and especially in love with Bitcoin. The building is almost complete and will be ready for occupation and fractional ownership in the next few weeks. That’s according to the CEO of Propchain, Robin Baghs.

A Big Step In BTC Popularity

The inauguration of such an attention-catching building in the middle of one of the most popular cities on the planet could be a great contribution to the crypto industry and the Bitcoin community in particular. Bitcoin is bound to be more popular by this measure and possibly score great adoption and acceptance across the world. This could translate into an impressive price action sometime in the future

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Мазмун маалыматтык максаттарда гана жана автордун жеке пикирин камтышы мүмкүн жана TheCryptoBasicтин пикирин сөзсүз түрдө чагылдырбайт. Бардык Финансылык инвестициялар, анын ичинде крипто, олуттуу тобокелдикти камтыйт, ошондуктан инвестициялоодон мурун ар дайым толук изилдөө жүргүзүңүз. Эч качан жогото албай турган акчаңызды салбаңыз; Автор же басылма сиздин каржылык жоготууларыңызга же пайдаңызга эч кандай жоопкерчилик тартпайт.

Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/07/26/welfare-developments-to-launch-the-first-ever-bitcoin-sky-mansion-in-dubai-for-fractional-ownership/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=welfare-developments-to-launch-the-first-ever-bitcoin-sky-mansion-in-dubai-for-fractional-ownership