АКШнын Федералдык соода комиссиясы Voyager крипто фирмасынын маркетинг схемаларын иликтейт - Bitcoin News

According to a court document filed recently in the Voyager Digital bankruptcy case, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is investigating the marketing of the crypto firm. Like the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the FTC has objected to Binance US purchasing Voyager’s assets.

FTC’s Objection to Voyager’s Proposed Sale Plan Could Impact Bankruptcy

In a filing in bankruptcy court registered on Feb. 22, 2023, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) detailed that it is investigating the marketing schemes of the crypto firm Voyager Digital. “The FTC has commenced an investigation into certain acts and practices of [Voyager] and [the] debtors’ employees, directors, and officers, for their deceptive and unfair marketing of cryptocurrency to the public,” the complaint explains.

The FTC filing says the proposed sale of the debtor’s assets would interfere with the current probe, which could essentially discharge Voyager and specific staff members from alleged “fraud-related debts held by a governmental unit.” The FTC is not the only government agency investigating Voyager. Texas’s securities regulator and attorney general objected to FTX purchasing Voyager prior to FTX’s collapse.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) objected to the proposed acquisition by Binance US. Despite the objection, Voyager received court approval to proceed with the sale. Voyager’s legal representation, Allyson Smith of Kirkland & Ellis, told the court the sale is “on track” to proceed. “We are on track and don’t anticipate any obstacles,” Voyager’s lawyer stressed. However, the latest filing by the FTC insists that the debtors are “not entitled to a discharge here.”

“Further, even if debtors were entitled to a discharge (through operation of consensual releases, for example), the code specifically precludes the discharge of fraud-related debts held by a governmental unit,” the FTC’s objection concludes. “Wherefore, for the foregoing reasons, the FTC respectfully requests the court deny confirmation of the debtors’ proposed plan; strike Section VIII.B and D of the proposed plan; or grant any other relief the Court deems just and proper.”

Бул окуяда Tags
Башкы прокурор, банкроттук, Binance.us, коду, ырастоо, consensual releases, сот, Cryptocurrency, Cryptocurrency жөнгө салуу, алдамчы, жүктөн бошотуу, fraud-related debts, жана башкалар, FTX, governmental unit, изилдөө, Киркланд жана Эллис, юридикалык өкүлчүлүк, marketing schemes, каршылык, сунушталган план, жардам, сатуу, SEC, Штаб мүчөлөрү, Texas securities regulator, АКШнын Федералдык соода комиссиясы, Voyager банкрот, Voyager Digital

What do you think about the Federal Trade Commission saying it is investigating Voyager Digital’s marketing practices? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

Джейми Redman

Джейми Редман - Bitcoin.com Newsтин жаңылыктар боюнча жетекчиси жана Флоридада жашаган финансылык технологиялык журналист. Редман 2011-жылдан бери криптовалюта коомчулугунун жигердүү мүчөсү. Ал Биткойн, ачык булак коду жана борбордон ажыратылган тиркемелерди жакшы көрөт. 2015-жылдын сентябрынан бери Редман Bitcoin.com News үчүн бүгүн пайда болгон бузуку протоколдор жөнүндө 6,000дөн ашык макала жазган.

Image насыялар: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/us-federal-trade-commission-investigates-marketing-schemes-of-crypto-firm-voyager/