Биткойн 2018дин кыйрашы деп атаган трейдер BTCди узурпацияланышы мүмкүн болгон "мыкты" спекулятивдүү актив деп эскертет

The veteran trader who nailed Bitcoin’s 2018 bear market collapse says Bitcoin (BTC) serves a wholly different purpose than what’s advertised.

Peter Brandt tells his 663,000 followers that even though he’s a узак убакыт BTC bull, he believes Bitcoin is purely a speculative play rather than an investment due to the number of crashes it’s seen in the last 12 years.

Brandt also says he doesn’t кароо BTC as a hedge against inflation or a store of value but notes it likely has a massive upside in the long run due to its limited supply, high security, acceptance rate and transferability.

“Bitcoin is NOT a hedge against inflation nor is it a store of value. It is pure speculation – but a really great reward to risk speculation at that…

[BTC is] Pure speculation, but likely to be outstanding over the long term because:

1. People accept it

2. Hack далили (азыр)

3. Өткөрүлүүчү

4. Limited supply.”

The veteran strategist then says that while BTC is currently атаандашсыз in terms of the features it offers, it could one day be usurped.

“Nothing better than BTC for the features it has. But are we really willing to assume that nothing similar/better will ever be invented? Is BTC the pinnacle of man’s genius?”

A добуш conducted by Brandt reveals that about 54% of the 9,247 respondents believe BTC has yet to bottom out.

терминалдарда жазуу учурунда $21,196 үчүн колун алмаштырып жатат, күнү 3.5% га өскөн.

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Disclaimer: The Daily Hodl айтылган пикирлер салым кеп эмес. Investors Биткойн, cryptocurrency же санариптик каражаттарды ар кандай жогорку тобокелдик салымдарды чыгарар алдында текшерүү керек. Сураныч, которуулар жана кесип ээлери өз коркунучу бар экенин эскертип турган жана эч бир сиз жооптуу болуп калышы мүмкүн жоготот. Daily Hodl кандай cryptocurrencies же санариптик каражаттарды сатып алуу же сатуу сунуш да Daily Hodl салым насаатчысы эмес. Ошол Сураныч Daily Hodl санаторийи маркетинг катышат.

Өзгөчөлөнгөн сүрөт: Shutterstock/Дизайн долбоорлору/Сенсвектор

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/06/25/trader-who-called-bitcoin-2018-collapse-warns-btc-an-outstanding-speculative-asset-that-could-be-usurped/