Samsung Латамга багытталган метаверс демилгелерине 35 миллион доллардан ашык инвестиция салууда - Metaverse Bitcoin News

Samsung, the Korean electronics behemoth, has revealed it is currently investing more than $35 million dollars in metaverse initiatives for the Latam audience. The objective behind this move is to help the brand attract and connect with younger audiences, as part of its digital push and growth marketing strategy.

Samsung’s Metaverse Push in Latam

Many companies have started to put their products and their brands in the metaverse, considering it an important part of their marketing strategy. Samsung, one of the biggest electronics companies in the world, has recently revealed it is investing more than $35 million in metaverse initiatives directed at Latam customers.

боюнча макала published on Dec. 20, Anita Caerols, director of marketing and corporate citizenship of Samsung Electronics Chile, explains the motivations behind this virtual reality push for the company. She stated:

Samsung компаниясында биз метаверс жаш керектөөчүлөр менен байланышуу үчүн конкреттүү милдеттенме деп эсептейбиз. Ошон үчүн биз Латамдын баарын камтыган демилгелерге 35 миллион АКШ долларынан ашык инвестиция салып жатабыз.

Furthermore, Caerols believes that fully immersive platforms are part of the future of marketing and that for digital natives, the current metaverse is a natural extension of social media platforms, making it a sensible field for Samsung to explore.

Younger Audiences in the Scope

The focus Samsung is putting on the metaverse, and the amount of funds invested in this area, are justified by the marketing vision presented by the company. On this, Caerols explained:

If a business needs to speak and connect with young audiences, prospect current and future potential consumers, and engage with new influencers, it is imperative that it be in the metaverse starting now.

It is Gen Z and Gen Alpha, audiences that are more accustomed to these platforms, which are the ones Samsung wants to attract to its proposal and its products. According to a Linkedin study, 400 million users are currently dwelling on metaverse platforms every month, with 51% of them being 13 years old or less.

Samsung’s interest in the virtual world is not new, and the company has already made different moves in order to be a part of some metaverse platforms.

In October, the company ишке its “House of Sam” experience in Decentraland, allowing users to interact virtually with products of the company.

In July, Samsung also ишке another metaverse experience on Roblox, called “Space Tycoon,” allowing users to be part of a space station where they can build Samsung products with raw materials.

Бул окуяда Tags
Анита Кэролз, Decentraland, ген альфа, Башт Z, house of sam, латам, LinkedIn, metaverse, Roblox, Samsung, space tycoon, Virtual Reality

What do you think about Samsung’s investments in Latam metaverse initiatives? Tell us in the comments section below.

Серхио Гощенко

Серхио Венесуэлада жайгашкан криптовалюталык журналист. Ал 2017-жылдын декабрь айында баа көтөрүлгөндө криптосферага кирип, оюнга кеч кирген адам катары сүрөттөйт. Компьютердик инженерия билими бар, Венесуэлада жашаган жана социалдык деңгээлдеги криптовалютанын бумуна таасир эткендиктен, ал башка көз карашты сунуштайт. крипто ийгилиги жана ал банкы жок жана жетишсиз иштегендерге кандайча жардам берет.

Image насыялар: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, Soos Jozsef /

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