Ирландия Республикасы саясий Cryptocurrency кайрымдуулук тыюу салуу үчүн - жөнгө салуу Bitcoin News

The government of Ireland is preparing to ban political parties from accepting campaign donations in cryptocurrency. The move aims to block the perceived threat of Russian interference in the European nation’s elections against the backdrop of a clash between the West and Moscow over the war in Ukraine.

Ireland to Limit Foreign Political Support for Its Parties, Including Crypto Donations

The executive power in Dublin is drafting new political integrity rules to limit foreign political donations amid fears that Russia might try to influence Ireland’s electoral process. The stricter regulations are meant to prevent Irish parties from accepting donations through cryptocurrencies and oblige them to fully reveal their properties.

A report by the Irish daily Independent describes the changes as a significant shake-up of the country’s electoral legislation, which will grant the Electoral Commission powers to issue take-down notices to social media platforms and alerts of online misinformation attempts. Local Government Minister Darragh O’Brien, who is leading the reform efforts, has been quoted as stating:

The appalling invasion of the Ukraine and insidious disinformation war highlight the ongoing fundamental threats faced by all democracies.

O’Brien also unveiled that his colleagues have already agreed to implement the stringent measures he is proposing in order to protect Ireland’s “democratic system given the escalating threat of cyber warfare targeting free countries.” The respective amendments to the political funding laws will be made through the Electoral Reform Bill 2022.

The new Electoral Commission of Ireland, which should be established by the summer, will be tasked to also introduce guidelines for political advertising on the internet, including requirements for parties to clearly state how ads are funded and the audiences they are targeting. Party leaders will have to declare that their political organizations are adhering to the new regulations.

The initiative to update the Irish political funding rules predates the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In January, Darragh O’Brien asked Attorney General Paul Gallagher to establish a taskforce comprising legal experts and political scientists to examine the need for new election integrity laws. He was citing “serious concerns” over the deteriorating security situation in Eastern Europe and “well-documented escalation of cyberattacks on democratic states.”

Meanwhile, the cyberspace has become another battleground in Russia’s war with Ukraine with the two sides registering хакердик чабуулдар on government websites and databases. Both Kyiv and Moscow have also turned their attention to cryptocurrencies, with the Ukrainian government raising millions of dollars in крипто кайрымдуулук while the Russian Federation looks to employ крипто активдер as a means to evade sanctions.

Бул окуяда Tags
мыйзам долбоору, крипто, Крипто кайрымдуулук, Cryptocurrencies, Cryptocurrency, ыктыярдуу тартуу, шайлоо, Шайлоо комиссиясы, шайлоо реформасы, Каржылоо, Ирландия, ирландия, мыйзам, мыйзам чыгаруу, иш-чаралар, партиялар, Саясий партиялар, жобо, чектөөлөр, эрежелер, Орусия, орусча, Украина, Украинче

Do you expect other European nations to adopt similar restrictions on political crypto donations? Let us know in the comments section below.

Любомир Tassev

Любомир Тасев – технологияны жакшы билген Чыгыш Европадан келген журналист, Хитченстин: “Жазуучу болуу – мен эмне кылам, мен эмне болсом, ошону жакшы көрөм”. Крипто, блокчейн жана финтехтен тышкары, эл аралык саясат жана экономика дагы эки илхам булагы болуп саналат.

Image насыялар: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/republic-of-ireland-to-prohibit-political-cryptocurrency-donations/