Табышмактуу 483 миллион долларлык Биткойн которуу АКШнын негизги биржасына кирди

Табышмактуу 483 миллион долларлык Биткойн которуу АКШнын негизги биржасына кирди
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Жоопкерчиликтен баш тартуу: Биздин жазуучулар тарабынан айтылган пикирлер өздөрүнүн жеке пикири жана U.Todayдин көз карашын билдирбейт. U.Todayде берилген каржылык жана рыноктук маалымат маалыматтык максаттар үчүн гана арналган. U.Today криптовалюталарды соодалоодо келип чыккан каржылык жоготуулар үчүн жоопкерчилик тартпайт. Кандайдыр бир инвестициялык чечим кабыл алуудан мурун каржы эксперттери менен байланышып, өзүңүздүн изилдөөңүздү жүргүзүңүз. Биз бардык мазмун жарыяланган күнгө карата так деп эсептейбиз, бирок айтылган айрым сунуштар мындан ары жеткиликтүү болбой калышы мүмкүн.

A significant Bitcoin transfer of $483 million has captured attention within the cryptocurrency community today, following revelations from Whale Alert data. The transaction, executed by an entity identified only by the address “1Eob1,” saw 7,690 BTC transferred to Coinbase, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the United States, notably through its specialized division, Coinbase Institutional.

What sets this transfer apart is the relative newness of the sending address. “1Eob1” emerged onto the cryptocurrency scene just two days prior, initiating its activity with a withdrawal of 932.069 BTC, equivalent to $59.97 million, from Coinbase Prime. Over the subsequent period, the address systematically depleted Coinbase’s reserves, culminating in today’s significant transfer back to the exchange, leaving the address now empty of any holdings.

Coinciding with Bitcoin’s stable valuation at $63,300 over the past four days, subsequent to a notable 13.2% decline and partial recovery, this transfer mirrors a similar event observed recently. A $322 million BTC influx was noted on Coinbase Institutional, as reported by U.Today, further contributing to the intrigue surrounding these movements.

Speculation regarding the motives behind this transfer abounds. Some suggest it may represent an internal operation by the exchange itself, aimed at repositioning Bitcoin assets within its infrastructure. Others hypothesize that it could signify strategic maneuvering by a significant investor, capitalizing on recent fluctuations in Bitcoin’s price.

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As the cryptocurrency market closely monitors these developments, attention remains focused on the actions of this mysterious Bitcoin entity.

Source: https://u.today/mysterious-483-million-bitcoin-transfer-hits-major-us-exchange