Ironbeam сизге Биткойн жана Этер Нано Фьючерс Контракттары Комиссиясын Акысыз Соодага мүмкүндүк берет - Демөөрчү Bitcoin News

Темир нур is a U.S. registered Futures Commission Merchant (“FCM”​) which offers trading on crypto nano futures thanks to a partnership with Coinbase Derivatives. The brokerage charges no commission* on these Bitcoin and Ethereum contracts, as well as requiring low margin.

Trade Cryptocurrency Nano Futures Contracts

Headquartered at the Chicago Board of Trade, Темир нур launched in 2010 as a technology-centric futures brokerage firm dedicated to providing technology solutions that cater to the needs of futures participants and the modern futures trader.

Now traders can trade Coinbase Nano Bitcoin and Nano Ethereum contracts thanks to an exciting partnership between Ironbeam and Coinbase Derivatives, and each contract represents 0.01 BTC же 0.5 ETH. With the Nano Bitcoin futures contracts, crypto traders can enjoy the ability to take either side of the market, execute trades faster than on the blockchain, and hedge price risk.

Темир нур is a U.S. registered Futures Commission Merchant (“FCM”) on the open exchange, and customers can trade with peace of mind regarding the security of their transactions.

Experience smoother and faster trading today with Ironbeam; not only is the platform easy to learn, but a trader can also drill down and access many features on the platform.

No Commission*, Low Margins

Темир нур is a free** professional-grade futures trading platform for everyone, with no commission* and low margins – with a margin as low as Соодага 20 доллардан. Users can trade from any device. They can also take their trading experience on the go to trade from home, work, or on the go.

The Темир нур platform offers two experiences. First, the Go experience is perfect for the new trader that wants a simple and easy-to-use interface to trade the most popular products. The Professional experience unlocks the platform’s full capabilities, including hundreds of indicators, depth-of-market, custom formulas and data on over 500,000 instruments. You can change between experiences at any time. They are both free**!

Some of the other features of Ironbeam include:

  1. Availability on the web, mobile and desktop – Темир нур Advanced features a full-fledged desktop application for Windows and Mac, web, iOS and Android.
  2. 24-Hour professional support by the Темир нур trade desk and support staff is available any time the futures markets are open, and they have an average of over ten years of futures experience each.
  3. CUSTOM ORDER STRATEGIES - Create, save, and deploy custom server-side bracket orders, trailing stops, OCOs, and many more.

Aside from all of those features, trading Nano Bitcoin futures at Темир нур enables you to get long or short the price of Bitcoin, with the added benefit of increased leverage and an effective way to hedge against price movement. Темир нур meets the needs of the active trader, providing 14 different micro contracts spanning 3 different asset classes (Equities, FX and Metals), giving a capital efficient way for traders to enter the futures market and to diversify their portfolio.

Жыйынтыктап айтканда, Темир нур is robust cloud-based trading with convenience. Orders, strategies, work spaces and formulas are all stored server-side for faster executions, lower latency, and access to Ironbeam customers’ work spaces across all devices. Secure your future with trading futures on Ironbeam today. Test drive the Темир нур app and sign up for a demo account.

Платформа жөнүндө көбүрөөк билүү үчүн, жана команданы ээрчиңиз Twitter, Facebook жана LinkedIn.

*No commission promotion applies through December 31, 2022 for only Coinbase Nano Bitcoin and Nano Ethereum contracts. Exchange, clearing and NFA fees still apply.

**Certain restrictions apply.

DISCLAIMER: There is a substantial risk of loss in trading commodity futures and options products. Losses in excess of your initial investment may occur. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please contact your account representative with concerns or questions.

MARGIN DISCLAIMER: Margins can change at any time and without prior notice.


Бул демөөрчүлүк билдирүү болуп саналат. Биздин аудиторияга кантип жетүүгө боло тургандыгын билип алыңыз бул жерде. Төмөндө баш тартууну окуп чыгыңыз.

маалымат каражаттары крипто менен байланышкан бардык нерселердин башкы булагы.
Медиа командасы менен байланышыңыз [электрондук почта корголгон] пресс-релиздер, демөөрчү посттор, подкасттар жана башка варианттар жөнүндө сүйлөшүү.

Image насыялар: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

баш тартуу: Бул макалада маалымат максатында гана болот. Сатып алуу же сатуу боюнча сунушту түздөн-түз сунуш кылуу же кандайдыр бир өнүмдөрдү, кызматтарды же компанияларды сунуш кылуу же жактыруу эмес. түзүп, салык, юридикалык же бухгалтердик пикирин бере албайт. Да, коом да, жазуучу менен шартталган себеп же болжолдонуп жаткан ар кандай жоготуу же бул макалада айтылган ар кандай мазмун, же кызмат боюнча же көз каранды пайдаланууга байланыштуу, түздөн-түз же кыйыр түрдө жооптуу болуп саналат.
