Биржа тенденциясын сактаса, Bitcoin (BTC) кандай реакция кылат?

Bitcoin (BTC) Stock Market Correlation: The U.S. stock market had in recent times maintained a direct correlation with the Bitcoin (BTC) price. At times when the stock price rallied aggressively, BTC price jumped in a comparatively lower range. In this context, key movements in the S&P 500 Index could potentially mean an impact on crypto prices in the near future. On the other side, the крипто-базар is yet to recover from the unprecedented bloodbath due to the FTX collapse.

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Bitcoin (BTC) Price Drop Soon?

While the current crypto prices are slightly better compared to November 2022 Bitcoin low of $15,700, there is a along way before full recovery. At the current levels, the S&P 500 Index (SPX) is below trendline resistance. Market experts suggest that the Index has generally maintained the trendline resistance. However, if there is a deviation this time around, it could have an adverse impact on BTC price, according to Crypto Quant. Also, the Bitcoin correlation with stock markets has been on a decline in recent times.

“S&P 500 Index is below trendline resistance. There is a possibility of respecting this resistance again. If the stock market fails to break this trendline, there is a possibility that the price of Bitcoin will fall again.”

In a latest, analysts warn of a “surprise scenario” around further Bitcoin (BTC) price drop. Eric Robertsen, Global Head of Research at Standard Chartered, reportedly said BTC price could plunge further by around 70%. If it comes out to be true to at least an extent, it would be catastrophic for the crypto market. As of writing, BTC price stands at $17,106, up 0.40% in the last 24 hours, according to price tracking platform CoinMarketCap.

Ошондой эле окуу: 5-жылдын аягына чейин 1 эсе өсө турган 100 доллардан төмөн эң мыкты 2023 альткоиндер

Anvesh крипто кабыл алуу жана соода мүмкүнчүлүктөрү тегерегиндеги негизги окуяларды билдирет. 2016-жылдан бери өнөр жай менен байланышкан, ал азыр борбордон ажыратылган технологиялардын күчтүү жактоочусу. Анвеш учурда Индияда жайгашкан. Анвешке Twitterде @AnveshReddyBTC дарегинен көз салып, аны менен байланышыңыз [электрондук почта корголгон]

Сунушталган мазмун автордун жеке пикирин камтышы мүмкүн жана базар шартына ылайык. Криптовалютага инвестиция салуудан мурун, базарыңызды изилдеңиз. Сиздин жеке материалдык чыгымыңыз үчүн автор же басылма эч кандай жоопкерчилик тартпайт.

Source: https://coingape.com/how-will-bitcoin-btc-react-if-stock-market-maintains-this-trend/