Крейг Райттын кара тизмеси Bitcoin "Kill Switch" Сатошиге окшошуп кетти.

“Imagine someone stole something from you. You can’t get it back, but if you could, if it had a kill switch that could be remote[ly] triggered, would you do it?” Satoshi wrote in the Bitcoin Talk post. “Would it be a good thing for thieves to know that everything you own has a kill switch and if they steal it, it’ll be useless to them, although you still lose it too? If they give it back, you can reactivate it.”

Source: https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2023/01/20/craig-wrights-blacklist-resembles-bitcoin-kill-switch-satoshi-never-followed-through-on/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines