Bitcoin баа талдоо: BTC мурунку төмөн бузуп, колдоо $ 41,500 XNUMX табылган?

TL; DR Breakdown

  • Биткойн баа анализи бүгүн лүкүлдөп турат.
  • BTC/USD set strong lower low today.
  • Support current found at $41,500.

Bitcoin price analysis is bullish today as we expect a reversal to follow after a strong drop over the last few days. Likely BTC/USD will retrace and look to set another low high later this week as the overall trend has changed back to being bearish.

Bitcoin Price Analysis: BTC breaks previous low, support found at $41,500? 1
Cryptocurrency жылуулук картасы. Булак: Coin360

The crypto market overall has seen a decline over the last 24 hours. The leader, Bitcoin, has declined by 1.45 percent, while Ethereum by 3.29 percent. Cardano (ADA) is meanwhile among the worst performers today with a loss of almost 9 percent.

Bitcoin price movement in the last 24 hours: Bitcoin breaks previous low, tests $41,500

BTC/USD traded in a range of $41,392.22 – $42,411.56, indicating a moderate amount of volatility over the last 24 hours. Trading volume has increased by 9.23 percent, totaling $21.85 billion, while the total market cap trades around $789 billion, resulting in a market dominance of 40.04 percent.

BTC / USD 4 сааттык диаграмма: BTC кийинки артка кайтмакчыбы?

On the 4-hour chart, we can see the Bitcoin price action finding support at $41,500, meaning a clear lowe low has been set.

Bitcoin баа талдоо: BTC мурунку төмөн бузуп, колдоо $ 41,500 XNUMX табылган?
BTC / USD 4 сааттык диаграмма. Булак: TradingView

Bitcoin price action saw recovery last week as it broke to $44,000 on the 12th of January. The following retracement established a clear higher low around $42,000, further indicating a change in trend direction.

After bullish momentum resumed on Friday, BTC/USD could not move past the $44,000 mark again, setting a lower high. Since then, Bitcoin price has slowly retraced, with the previous low broken today.

Therefore, there has been a change of trend direction again. BTC/USD has set lower low and likely will retrace to set a higher low next. From there, more downside can be expected later this week.

Биткойн бааларын талдоо: Жыйынтык 

Bitcoin price analysis is bullish today as we expect a reversal to follow after a lower low set at $41.500 earlier. Likely BTC/USD is now ready to retrace and set another lower high before continuing lower.

Биткойндун мындан ары жылышын күтүп жатып, Coinbase Vault vs Wallet, Cardano баасын болжолдоо жана крипто салыктарын жоготуу боюнча биздин макалаларды караңыз.

Баш тартуу. Берилген маалымат соода боюнча кеңеш эмес. бул баракчада келтирилген маалыматтардын негизинде жасалган кандайдыр бир салымдар үчүн эч кандай жоопкерчилик тартпайт. Инвестициялык чечимдерди кабыл алуудан мурун, биз көзкарандысыз изилдөө жүргүзүүнү жана / же квалификациялуу адис менен кеңешүүнү сунуш кылабыз.

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