Трейдер "параболикалык" аюунун тенденциясы бүттү деп болжолдоп жаткандыктан, биткоин 5 жуманын эң жогорку чегин кармап турат

Bitcoin (BTC) took aim at $24,000 on July 20 after a night of solid gains put bulls in the driving seat.

BTC / USD 1 сааттык шамдар диаграммасы (Bitstamp). Булак: TradingView

Parabolas violated

маалыматтарды Cointelegraph Markets Pro жана TradingView followed BTC/USD as it breached $23,800, its highest level since June 13.

Against expectations, crypto staged a recovery beyond an intra-hour “fake-out” as risk assets benefitted from төмөндөө United States dollar strength.

The inverse correlation between the U.S. dollar index (DXY) and Bitcoin remained center stage on the day, with the greenback coming off twenty-year highs at the end of the week prior.

АКШ долларынын индекси (DXY) vs. BTC/USD 1 күндүк шам диаграммасы. Булак: TradingView

“The Dollar is taking a nice hit today from the bears,” popular trader Crypto Tony айтып Twitter followers as the breakout took shape:

“Good sign for Bitcoin as things cool off for the DXY.”

Fellow analyst Wolf, meanwhile, eyed the breakdown of a “parabolic trend” in place on DXY throughout 2022. At the same time, as per analysis from popular trader Jibon, BTC/USD had ended its parabolic run to macro lows.

Those “expectations” аталат to a strategy forecasting BTC/USD rising to $40,000 before another bearish phase puts in a fresh macro bottom.

Major trendlines see a sudden test

Returning to current price action, meanwhile, significance came in the form of crucial trendlines being broken.

байланыштуу: 100X Bitcoin энергиясын колдонуу "абсурд" $ 20M BTC баасын билдирет - иштеп чыгуучу

Among them were the 200-week moving average (WMA) at $22,800 and Bitcoin’s realized price at $21,934 as of July 19, data from on-chain analytics firm Glassno менен тастыктады.

Bitcoin баа диаграммасын ишке ашырды. Булак: Glassnode

Экөө тең classic fixtures in Bitcoin bear markets, with BTC/USD usually wicking below while preserving the levels as basic support.

Attention thus focused on the weekly close, which would confirm a breakout from the 200 WMA.

Бул жерде айтылган көз-караштар жана ой-пикирлер автордун гана көз-карашы жана Cointelegraph.com сайтынын көз-карашын чагылдырбайт. Ар бир инвестиция жана соода кыймылы тобокелдикти камтыйт, чечим кабыл алууда өзүңүздүн изилдөө жүргүзүшүңүз керек.