Bitcoin, Ethereum, Uniswap жана Ethereum Classic күнүмдүк баанын талдоолору - 13-майдагы жыйындысы

The global crypto market has been able to stay bullish though the current strength is not as it was at the start. The change has brought Bitcoin gains to lows compared to the peek points. The optimistic point is the retained bullishness for the following coins, which suggests that the market might be able to stay bullish in the upcoming hours. If it happens, the market would be able to continue its journey of revival, helping it heal the losses. If its pace slackens and turns bearish, the impacts would be far-reaching, affecting the investors.

The Terra UST fiasco has shaken the global crypto market. The collapse of a stablecoin was the event that shocked most investors and market experts. There was little imagination of how can a stablecoin collapse. The collapse has had multifarious impacts on the blockchain system as its value saw a fall and affected the apps working on it. The most significant event resulting from this happening was the disappearance of over $35 billion from the peg of stablecoins. The estimated value of stablecoins was about $200 billion, reduced to $163.7 billion.

Бул жерде Биткойн өндүрүмдүүлүгүн колдонуу менен учурдагы рыноктук кырдаалдын кыскача баяндамасы, Ethereum, жана кээ бир башкалар.

BTC sluggish

The performance of Bitcoin has also begun to enter a difficult phase after making gains. The value of its gains slackened with time. As a result, its gains have been reduced to a nominal value. Some experts predict that Bitcoin can even plummet to $17K, a new low for it.

BTCUSD 2022 05 14 07 09 58
Source: TradingView

үчүн акыркы маалыматтар терминалдарда shows that it has reduced its gains to 0.68% over the last 24 hours. New gains reduced the weekly losses, but they have begun to gain strength. The latest data shows that they have reached 17.61%. The weekly losses for Bitcoin might rise if gains continue to lower.

If we look at the price value of Bitcoin, it is about $29,653.76. If we compare the market cap value for Bitcoin, it is estimated to be $565,078,141,326. The 24-hour trading volume of Bitcoin is about $42,213,724,266.

ETH is trying to stay bullish

Ethereum has also been striving to maintain its momentum. The gains for Ethereum have remained stable in comparison to Bitcoin. Ethereum’s co-founder Vitalik Buterin has donated USDC $4 million to the University of NSW for blockchain-related projects. It will be a smart-contract-enabled network.

ETHUSDT 2022 05 14 07 10 23
Source: TradingView

Аткаруу Ethereum remained stable compared to other days as its gains remained at 2.18%. If we compare the weekly losses, their value has been lowered to 23.30%. The decrease in the value of losses suggests successful improvement with time.

Ethereum үчүн учурдагы баа наркы болжол менен $ 2,059.16 болуп саналат. Биз Ethereum үчүн рыноктук капкак баасын салыштырсак, ал $248,585,672,942 24 24,285,621,202 XNUMX деп бааланат. Салыштыруу үчүн, анын XNUMX сааттык соода көлөмү болжол менен $XNUMX түзөт.    

UNI retaining pace

Uniswap has also continued to add value as the amount of its gains is in a stable range. If we look at its gains for the last 24 hours, it has added 7.75%. In comparison, its losses over the last seven days are about 29.90%. The decrease in the value of losses suggests continuing improvement.

UNIUSDT 2022 05 14 07 10 44
Source: TradingView

If we look at the price value for Uniswap, it has been added as it is about $5.28. In comparison, the market cap value for UNI has risen to $3,666,355,643. In comparison, the 24-hour trading volume UNI is $234,085,488. If converted to the native currency of Uniswapthe same amount is 44,107,789 UNI.

ETC optimistic

Ethereum Classic has also shown improvement with time as it remained bullish. The latest data for this coin shows that it has added 8.39%. Its performance has improved as the negative rise has declined, bringing the weekly losses to 23.65%. The price value for Ethereum Classic is in the $21.16 range.

ETCUSDT 2022 05 14 07 11 07
Source: TradingView

If we take a peek at the market cap value for Ethereum Classic, it shows a value of $2,856,284,306. The 24-hour trading volume of this coin is about $496,208,784. The circulating supply for it is about 134,752,381 ETC.

акыркы Thoughts

The global crypto market has continued to gain value. The difference between the other day and the last 24 hours is the decrease in the pace of gains. The global market cap value has been reduced to $1.29T due to a reduction in its pace. If the gains strengthen in value, the market will see its rise. The enhancement in the value of Bitcoin is necessary for the market’s uplift, and Coinbase‘s CEO predicted that it would be soaring soon.

Баш тартуу. Берилген маалымат соода кеңеши эмес. ушул бетте келтирилген маалыматтын негизинде салынган инвестициялар үчүн эч кандай жоопкерчилик тартпайт. Инвестициялык чечимдерди кабыл алуудан мурун, биз көзкарандысыз изилдөө жүргүзүүнү жана / же квалификациялуу адис менен кеңешүүнү сунуш кылабыз.
