Bitcoin Cash Bulls 134 долларга дагы бир баш тартууга туш болуп, төмөндөйт

10 август 2022 в 11:50 // баа

Bitcoin Cash may resume the uptrend

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) traded above its moving average lines last week. Initially, the bears failed to sustain the momentum below the moving average lines as the bulls halted the decline.

On August 8, the bulls set out on an upward move but were rejected at the $147 high. Today, the bears are trying to break below the moving average lines.

If the bears break below the 21-day line SMA, BCH will fall to the low of $120. However, if the selling pressure continues above the moving average, the decline will reach a low of $96. However, the bearish scenario will be invalidated if the altcoin holds above the lines. BCH/USD is trading at $133.98 at the time of writing.

Bitcoin Cash көрсөткүчүн окуу 

The cryptocurrency is at level 51 of Relative Strength for period 14, indicating that there is a balance between supply and demand. The price of the cryptocurrency is above the 21-day line SMA, but below the 21-day line SMA, indicating that BCH may resume the uptrend. BCH is below the 50% area of the daily stochastic. This suggests that the market is in a bearish momentum.


техникалык көрсөткүчтөр

Негизги каршылык зоналары: $130 жана $150

Негизги колдоо аймактары: $120 жана $100

Bitcoin Cash үчүн кийинки кадам кандай болот?

Bitcoin Cash has regained its upward momentum, but the upward movement has been slowed down by the appearance of doji candlesticks. BCH could continue its sideways trend as it faces rejection at the upper resistance of $164. However, if the current support holds, the price could move back within the range.


Эскертүү. Бул талдоо жана божомол автордун жеке пикири болуп саналат жана cryptocurrency сатып алуу же сатуу боюнча сунуш эмес, жана Coin Idol тарабынан ырастоо катары каралбашы керек. Каражат салуудан мурун окурмандар өз алдынча изилдөө жүргүзүшү керек.
